
8 Jan 2019 by Jared Goldthorpe


As you may know by now, my time at Des Renford is sadly coming to an end. This Saturday will be my last session coaching here. I have recently been provided with the opportunity to work full time as the Head Swim Coach of Newington College. Although this means I will be working with another club, there is no way in the world I could never not feel apart of RCSC and DRLC.

I thank every single person for the opportunities and experience this journey has provided me. I have been apart of Des Renford for around 18 years. It is apart of my blood and the very foundations for everything I have learnt as a competitive swimmer and as a person. From being a swimmer to becoming a coach and working close to 7 days a week, I have literally feel that I have spent more time at this pool than my own house.

During my time I have had the privilege of meeting so many amazing people who have positively guided my life. These relationships have formed into many friendships that will last a lifetime. I cherish the bonds that I have formed with every single swimmer, and although we have had many ups and downs (I’m sure all of you swimmer have hated me for being harsh on you at one point), I truly hope that I have guided you into not only a better swimmer but also and more importantly a better, stronger, more resilient person. I have had the opportunity to work with everyone from learn to swim to our national squads, during this time, I have been witness to countless triumphs and achievements, from achieving minor changes in stroke to achieving huge PBs in many of your favourite races. These small or large victories will always be apart

If I could give any advice to my swimmers:

- Enjoy Swimming! You are the swimmers who make this team and most of you train upwards of 4 x per week. It’s on you to play your role in creating an environment with your teammates that make your time progressive (working towards your goals) and fun. Find your reason why you have chosen to swim and work towards it every session.

- Be fearless. You are young and have nothing to lose. Be confident in your ability to 1) train hard and 2) race smart and most importantly 3) learn and grow from each experience.

I wish you all the very best for the future ahead as a swimmer and in life. I am sure I will be seeing everyone at upcoming state and national meets.

You will all, truly be missed. See you all this week!

Kind regards,

Jared Goldthorpe

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